Below, you’ll find a concise overview of the financial reports available on MyFundAccounting.Online, along with instructions on where to locate them.

We continuously update this list to include all available reports. If a specific report you’re interested in isn’t covered yet, please feel free to call us at 01902 714030, and we’ll gladly provide further information.


Transaction Listing  
(Reports > Transactions > Transaction listings) 


This, as the name implies, is a complete list of all your transactions. By default, the transactions shown will be for the current financial year, but the flexibility of this report enables you to limit the items shown down to a particular:  


  • Date Range  
  • Fund or fund type  
  • Nominal code  
  • Reference or description  
  • Amount 
  • And much more; including a combination of any of the above.  

Monthly Income & Expenditure Totals  
(Reports > Transactions > Monthly income/expenditure totals)  


This report provides you with a monthly breakdown of your income and expenditure.  

Against each month it provides a separate total for each of your income and expenditure nominal codes, along with a combined total of your income and a combined total of your expenditure - one for each month and one for the year to date.

At the very bottom of the report, it also includes an overall balance of the money you've received minus the money paid out - so it's a quick way of getting a feel for the financial position of your organisation and ensuring that your total income exceeds your total expenditure.   


Balance Sheet Detailed 
(Reports > Balance sheets > Detailed)  


The Balance Sheet report shows you the balance to date of each of your current assets, fixed assets and liability codes grouped by their type. It's a quick and easy way of seeing the overall totals of each of your assets and liabilities. It also provides a comparison of the previous financial year.  

Statement of Assets and Liabilities (By Fund)  
(Reports > Statement of Assets and Liabilities > By fund) 

This report is an expansion of the Balance Sheet, focusing on the same Assets and Liabilities but providing additional information of how these amounts are allocated to the individual funds.  


So, for example, this report will tell you that there is £1000 in your current account; but that £500 of this belongs to the general fund, so can be used for anything, but £200 is restricted to the building fund and £300 is restricted to the youth fund.  

Fund Movement Summary 
(Reports > Funds > movement summary)  

This report focuses on the movement of money within the funds. So, you can easily see how much money each fund has received during the year, how much has been paid out, if any amounts have been transferred between the funds and if there have been any gains or losses on those funds. Shown alongside the opening and year-to-date balances it's a good way of keeping on top of your fund balances.  

Trial Balance - 4 columns 
(Reports > Trial Balance > 4 Columns)  

The trial balance - 4 column report includes all nominal codes; income, expenditure, current assets, fixed assets, and liabilities.  

It displays the brought forward balance where applicable, the credit and debit totals and the closing balance of the account similar to the fund movement report explained above. 

Statement of Financial Activities (SOFA)  
(Reports > SOFA > SOFA) 

The SOFA report provides a total for each SOFA heading and this is broken down by each fund type. It also documents the movement of money via transfers between funds and any gains or losses on the accounts.  


A good rule of thumb for this report is if the balance above the thick black line has a positive value your organisation has received more money than it has spent. If there are brackets on this line, then this means that you have spent more money than you have received.


Analysis of Income and Expenditure  
(Reports > SOFA > Analysis of Income and Expenditure)  

 This report expands on the SOFA headings report we've explained above. It still provides totals for each individual SOFA heading, but this amount is further broken down by the nominal codes that have been grouped by the SOFA Heading allocated to them.  


So, for example, this report would inform us that the SOFA Heading “Other Trading Activities” has a total income of £2000 but this is made up of income into the following accounts.  


  • 1250- Magazine sales  
  • 1259 - Magazine advertising