MyFundAccounting. Online can have two financial years open at a time.

When performing the year end procedure you are moving these forward by one year and locking any previous years transactions. For example you may be working on the accounts for 2022 and 2023. When completing the year end you will close year 2022 and open year 2024.

Alert: This process is not reversable! We would strongly advise to ensure all entries have been made and the accounts have been signed off by the Independent Examiner/Auditor before proceeding.

Alert! Once your first year end procedure has been completed you will not be able to amend any starting balances that have been entered.

Tip! Reports for previous years can be produced after the year end procedure has been completed but new transactions cannot be posted and existing transactions cannot be edited or voided.

2. Click "Utilities"

3. Click "Year end procedure"

4. Click "Year end procedure (Branch Level)"

5. Here you can see the last accounting year that was locked

6. Here you can see the accounting year that will be locked if you continue with the procedure

7. This box will display the last date you are currently able to make entries for

8. The tabbed section on the right of the form allows you to record your own reminder notes. These can be entered at any time throughout the financial year.

9. Click "Run Year end"

10. Tick each box to confirm that the task is complete.

11. Tick here to confirm you wish to proceed.

12. When all boxes are ticked the 'Process Year-End and Lock Transactions' button will highlight.

Click to continue

Alert: Alert! This process cannot be reversed

13. Click "OK"