The below steps will guide you on how to Void a transaction from your list
1. Navigate to
2. Click "Lists"
3. Click "List Transactions"
4. Click to highlight the transaction you need to Void
Click "Void"
Alert: Alert! You are not able to void a transaction that has been reconcilled.
5. Enter a note against the transaction to record why this has been voided and click "Yes"
6. The below message will appear once the transaction has been voided successfully
View Voided Transactions
Tip: All voided transactions are retained to ensure there is a complete audit trail. The below steps will show you how to easily view transactions that have been voided.
7. Click "Lists"
8. Click "List Transactions"
9. Tick the box next to "Voided" to filter all transactions within your selected financial period to voided transactions
10. Only transactions that have been "Voided" will now appear on your list of transactions.