Tip: If you use our Finance Co-ordinator program you can export donations from MyGiving.Online in a format that can be read by Finance Co-ordinator.

This eliminates the need to re-enter the information manually.

The following instructions will lead you through this process.

2. Click "Admin"

3. Click "Export"

4. Click "Export to Finance Co-ordinator"

5. Select how you would like to limit the donations included in the export

6. Enter the date range of the donations date you wish to be used as the limit

7. You can limit the donations to be transferred to those containing a particular comment by entering the comment in the first white box.

8. You can also limit to a particular batch reference by entering the batch reference in the second white box.

9. If you wish to apply a new batch reference to all the donations to be exported enter this in the third box.

10. You can choose to include all donations or exclude donations if they do not meet the entered criteria

11. Check the boxes next to each purpose you wish to include

12. Enter a file name

13. Click here to create the export file for Finance Co-ordinator

14. Click here to generate a report