The claims summaries by purpose will produce a report on all amounts claimed on behalf of each purpose.
1. Navigate to
2. Click "Reports"
3. Click "Claims"
4. Click "Claim summaries by purpose"
5. Enter the date range you wish to report on
6. Click "Next"
7. Select the donors to be included in the report.
You can filter your donors using Smart Filters. For more guidance on Smart Filters please click here
You can filter via donors who are tagged. For further guidance on Tagged Donors please click here
You can also include Inactive Donors or donations entered via an Aggregated Donor
8. Tick the box next to each Donor Type and Giving Type you wish to include
9. Click "Next"
10. In the gift section you have a few options to filter your report/
Select if you wish to include named or anonymous donations and tick if you only require donations given via envelope
Enter a date range for the donation dates should you require and tick to include Gift Aid claimable or GASDS eligible donations
11. Tick the box next to each Purpose, Method, Batch number and Comment you wish to include
12. Click "Next"
13. Select the information you require by moving the fields from the left box to the right box. You can do this by double clicking on the desired field or using the buttons between the 2 lists
14. Click ">" to move the selected field in the direction of the arrow
Click ">>" to move all fields from one list to the other depending on the direction of the arrow
15. Click "Generate Report"
16. Select your preferred download format, enter a file name and click "Download" or click "Preview"